Alhamdulillah masih lagi diberi kesempatan untuk meneruskan hidup seperti biasa pada hari ini. Entry ini sepatutnya di-update semalam tapi disebabkan masalah kurang sihat, terpaksa lah ditangguhkan. Terima kasih kepada semua yang sudi menjengah dan membaca entry-entry di blog Anak Incik Mokthar ni (-^o^-)
So, without wasting time, let us take a look interesting places that I visited on day 4 (*,*) We went to Nami Island in the morning and it takes around 2 hours from our hostel.

After we had our dinner, we get a chance to visit Hello Kitty Cafe which located in Hong Dae 홍대 (Hong Ik University Station, Subway Line 2) and it is so cuteeeeee >,< This is a must visit places to those kitty lovers like me. Hewhew.
We also spend our time for shopping on day 4. There's a lot of cute stuff here and I managed to buy a cap for my lil' brother. The price was also affordable for us (^_*)
I think that's all from me on day 4. The journey on day 5 to be continued ! Until then XOXO.
p/s: I really wish to have my own Hello Kitty Cafe here (-^o^-) Who interested to be my share partner?? Please contact me. Hahahaha.
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